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Rebecca Rubio

Learning Quote: Winston Churchill



2023 - 2024


There is no end to education.

It is not that you read a book, pass an examination,

and finish with education.

The whole of life,

from the moment you are born to the moment you die,

is a process of learning.” 

— Jiddu Krishnamurti

Email rrubio@benningtonisd.org


This is my 29th year as an educator.  My husband Antonio and I have 6 children and 1 grandchild.  I have lived in Boswell, Oklahoma for most of my life.  I graduated with a bachelors degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 1995.  In 2013, I added a masters degree in administration and educational leadership which I also received from SOSU.  I have received numerous awards and certificates from across the state during my years in education. The one I am most proud of is the one I received last year from Professional Oklahoma Educators as they honored me by presenting me the Oklahoma High School Teacher merit award.  I am an ACT certified teacher and have attended dozens of math training workshops including Advanced Placement and T3.  I believe my continuing professional development will benefit your child.  Everyone can learn.  I will do my best to make sure your child learns every day.

I look forward to a busy and productive school year.

Go Bears!